about us
Hypnobirthing with Gemma
The Face Behind The Name
My Name is Gemma, and I am a registered Midwife and Registered Nurse currently working in the public system in Rural South Australia. I am also a mum of two and utilised the Hypnobirthing techniques during my own two positive births as well as witnessing its strength and power in other women’s pregnancy and labour journeys. I decided to become a certified Hypnobirthing practitioner through Hypnobirthing Australia because I wanted women to know they can do it! I want to empower women and emphasize that having a healthy baby is not the only outcome that matters. Their needs matter, and we can help to build up a toolkit for birth, labour and beyond in order to meet those needs, whether it is physical, emotional or psychological. I would love to assist you toward having your own positive birth through our Positive Birth Program. If this resonates with you, please click on the contact us link, I would love to hear from you.